Monday, November 24, 2008

Kalkulator W Imperia Online

this protectorate of the proposals raised in the workshop volumetric tentative menhirs, where the proposed two-fronted tower plants and overlapping elements to create a botanical garden vertical (tree), this Tower aims to capture CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen reducing air pollution.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why Do Black People Grow Their Pinky Nails

Green Building Conference: Jacobo Garcia

James Garcia, wanted to share with us some projects he had done and was building, some who had Gaana and participated in competitions in Spain

What Is Gelli Bath Made Of

OPTION .... Critical artifact

Beyond challenging the orthodox methods of architecture, this device critical trace links between landscape and body, between the built and natural, between sense and the facts. This hybrid art and architecture, while trapped buildings and inhabitants in a public location