Thursday, November 26, 2009

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Furniture Sector.

include measures to facilitate the work of both sectors adaptation to structural changes in world trade and affect almost 150,000 workers
The Council of Ministers has approved two projects royal decrees by establishing adaptation measures to facilitate employment in the sectors of furniture and toys to structural changes in world trade.
The phenomenon of globalization, which on the one hand is a source of economic opportunity, is also a threat to the less competitive sectors of the English economy, especially small and medium enterprises that are labor intensive and constitute the basis centrality of employment and economic activity in our country.
To mitigate the negative consequences of the adaptation process of companies in the sectors most affected, the Government agreed with the social partners start up of support schemes for the four industrial sectors affected by structural changes in world trade: textiles and clothing, footwear, leather and leather goods, toys and furniture.
sectors more competitive and maintain employment
These support schemes are specified in a package of industrial and social labor is twofold: to make these sectors more competitive and adapt to the new environment of competition, maintaining the largest number of companies and jobs working in the sector, and try to avoid the negative consequences that may arise for workers and the territories.
support plans relating to the textile and clothing and footwear, leather and leather goods are being fully implemented once approved the laws that developed the socio-labor measures.
With the approval relating to the toy cabinet and closes the cycle of support measures for sectors affected by globalization, including those aimed at modernizing and improving the competitiveness and the social coverage for workers surplus arising in the areas of outplacement, employment promotion, vocational training, unemployment, social fund and Social Security.
The number of employees in both sectors is approximately 150,000, of which the majority, 140,000, belong to the furniture sector and distributed throughout the English territory, especially in Valencia, Andalusia and Catalonia. For its part, the toy industry employs a group of around 5,400 people, concentrated mainly in Valencia. To support the reemployment

today approved projects develop a set of bonuses and subsidies which are intended, first, to avoid leaving the labor market this group of workers, which would mean a great loss and underutilization of human capital, and secondly, make a special effort to ensure that older workers who have little chance of returning to work, to integrate into the labor market.
These measures whose essential aim is to firmly support the reemployment of workers resulting surpluses are
training of workers. Bonus
maintenance fees for employment through the permanent hiring of workers 55 or older. Bonus
permanent recruitment fees of surplus workers in the sector.
Subsidies during the job search process.
Grants to facilitate geographic mobility.
grants to facilitate the employment of workers 52 or older.
Grants to promote self-employment. Grants
special workers 55 and older. Betting

active policies should be noted that the measures included are committed to active employment policies against other measures considered in previous restructuring processes, which impinged more on passive protection policies. Instead of a culture of early retirement schemes adopting a broad panel of active policies, some quite innovative, such as on the job search process, the promotion of geographical mobility and compensating wage differentials to drive the acceptance of lower-wage jobs.

ultimately only be considered a support special workers 55 and over who, despite all the active employment policies, are unable to relocate, but always with the obligation to hold themselves in readiness to join the job market have also considered these special aid policy active.
The furniture sector measures have a cost of 76 million euros in the seven years that have effect, of which 43.5 million will be funded from existing employment programs and the other 32.5 million will do so through the budget to facilitate the adjustment of the sectors affected by structural changes in world trade, established by a Council Agreement Ministers of June 9, 2006 and whose amount is 140 million euros.
The cost for the toy sector is 6.7 million euros, of which 4.4 million are under the existing employment programs and another 2.3 million will be financed from the budget.


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