Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Man as subject space, space and spatialized subjects.
"thinking outside" (Foucault)
3d Euclidean flat space Cube cylinder, algebra, calculus, trigonometry etc.

and forms one clerk and are perfect as Euclidean geometry (fractal) geometry of space science

3D Male only, because to live alone could be created and survival in 3D space, biological and evolutionary, spaces were not needed or 4d of more dimensions.

plantena problem solving are different approaches from different sciences.
The aesthetic object is no longer working or finalidad.Puede and should be summarized as a meta-search, rigor, precision. Being subject
spatial continuity involves thinking, not breaks, think in terms of complexity is to think about continuity solutions. Working with espai
possible phase spaces, is concerned with problems not because they are but because they can be.
is left closed systems thinking, aesthetic as an open system. Think
complexity means Undetermined phenomena and this is exactly the contribution of aesthetics, the world and no limits sociedad.Complejidad. BEAUTY AND LIFE
UNION think in terms of functions revive the subject.
Homemade Trailer Titles Il
The theory of "six degrees of separation
" was proposed in 1929 by Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy in Chains
history. Tries to prove that anyone on Earth can be connected to any other through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries (Ie, connecting two people with just six links). This would be possible because the number of people known grows exponentially with the number of links in the chain, so a small number of links sufficient for the known set become the whole human population.
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(Carlos Reynoso)
As a group we realized that a fractal is not just an image but a structure with many geometric shapes that can be spread in space to create illusions senaciones, and in our case experiences. as you can mix an experience? work with fractals parameters so it is that you can mix as easily with reality to get a picture or experience ... when it becomes an experience? when there is a relation of space, a person and a fractal image, and what we try Nostra is an experience that gives fractal.
A fractal is a geometric object whose basic structure is repeated in different scales. The term fractal was proposed by Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975 to describe these objects. In many cases a fractal can be generated by a recursive or iterative process capable of producing self-similar structures regardless of the specific scale. Fractals are geometric structures that combine irregularity and structure. Although many natural structures like structures have a fractal mathematical fractal is an object that has at least one of the following characteristics: it scales arbitrarily detail large or small, is too irregular to be described in traditional geometric terms.
OF LIFE THROUGH A FACILITY THAT A REALITY Abstracts incomplete and fragmented, USING
LIFE AS is conceptualized THEME IN THE FABRIC OF THE SAME COMPLEX, INTERACTION NETWORK OF ACTION AND REACTION. Starting from the premise that we are immersed in a complex web of factors of which depends
Description: This representation of life as fractal statistical data is based on the life of any individual in general, every human being Throughout his life produces certain behaviors that mark and determine patterns that interact generate data that summarize the life of a human being through their basic biological needs, for it took data from an analysis generated by NatGeo.com and translate such images in programs like VRA
and Apophysis, generating Fractal graphical representation of life. (With these data do not pretend to cover the entire life of a human being, but display a fractal image incomplete, which reinforces the fragmented nature proposed in the installation). The project consists of 2 main parts, the first concerning the digital and virtual , and is creating a dynamic Fractal image created from data and patterns explained above, various fractal extract data in different time intervals to create a video of these images superimposed fractal transforming our life in a Fractal Dynamics that mutates over time. The second part comprises the project, consists of an installation Real-Material.
(We make the clarification because the virtual is real and not try to generate epistemological reflections concerning the issue of what is "real").
This facility consists of multiple walls, and the fragmented and broken mirrors act as an interface between the fractal image to be projected, the physical reality and the individual who perceives or experiences to live there, under these conditions we propose is a multi -fractal, multi-temporal, extended and expanded to its full potential through the "mirror" and its ability to reflect reality. In short what is a fractal image silver car reflected through an interface that raise the standard of fractality in space to become an immersive module, which aims to rebuild through a series of images, sensations and movements fractal images offer the subject an immersive experience that is life itself.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Supination Orthotics Over The Counter

audiovisual is an ecosystem where life is created and evolves in response to the presence and actions of the user, according to mechanisms mimicry based inside a coevolutionary phenomenon of nature.
The macro will have their own behaviors and visual and audio features, depending on the combination of the microstructures that form.
the same way that each individual contributes to society with his personality, and the interrelationship between individuals are collective behavior, participation each microstructure of behavior and characteristics that shape the macro-environment.
could say that the environment that each user creates also mimics mood, or even his personality, as user behavior, their actions, is the muse that inspires and orchestra music, colors, and animations of the macrostructures, the behavior of the resulting environment, evolving under the control of user through their personal choice. could say that the environment that each user creates also matches his mood, or even his personality, as user behavior, their actions, is that the muse inspiration and orchestra music, colors, and animations macrostructures, the behavior of the resulting environment, evolving under the control of the user through the selection personal. Thus, the user can create their own narrative landscapes through visual and musical expression of emotions and personality
Thus, the user can create their own narrative landscapes through visual and musical expression emotions and personality. Moreover, the mechanisms of creation and evolution of this life, but are inspired by natural phenomena are not constrained by it. result, Mimesis is not a representation of life forms known, but others may exist. Consequently, Mimesis is not a representation of life forms known, but others may exist.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Herpes On Your Eyelash
false false ES-CO
Lindenmaier automaton model much simpler than that of Turing. Model
plants with attributes in particular, fractals, geometric shapes traits.
recursive grammars that allow the growth model.
grammars sound and visual grammars using patterns.
x's father is the father of z is z i. is a schedule that hints at something but does not say explicitly but implicitly. Ancestor is a recursive rule.
Constraint: Rules
GRAMMAR. Language to interpret a machine that can be recognized by automata (recognizing a text etc.
There are three types of grammars, regular grammars, context-independent grammars, Grammars context sensitive
Alan Turing machines Turing machine
manipulation of symbols, which can simulate the logic component,
Not only can generate grammars grammars or understand only a form or a visual structure, but it is also possible with sound.
Siromoney-Mathematical Gift of India (1932-1988)
Languages \u200b\u200b
images or matrices series, explains the Kolam.
Kolam are designs of artisans in India, are more complex iterative design of a civilization.
African Fractals. Nothing
invention all depends on how you understand, and manage the patterns, architecture patterns.
nonlinear system
EMERGENCY: Example water. The whole is different the sum of its parts. COMPLEXITY
: Surge of simple elements.
complex is composed of several interconnected partsor interlaced
whose links contain additional information and hidden from the observer. As a result of interactions between elements, new properties emerge that can not be explained by the properties of individual elements. These properties are called emergent properties.
Complexity is: Number of indeterminism.
not thermodynamics quantum mechanics not
Computational Complexity: Computer resources required to solve a problem.
Resources. Time and space
genetic algorithm:
Level Ontological Level Storage accumulated experiences.
Find Social Networking communities within complex social networks. Locate
small communities or groups, behaviors, sects networking. Foreign
network groups. Diffusion of innovations networking.
not linear equations.
SE may also make 3D, from and inaccurate data or fragments.
John Gero
Bladimir Kasakov
objects trance Art Gunther Bachelier
Karl Sims genetic art, Fractal Geometry
Jackson Pollock Fractal dimension
Jackson Pollock drip painting, as in nature, certain patterns are repeated over and over again at different levels
These fractals have different degrees of complexity (or fractal dimension)
stains on fabrics Pollock seemed to create repeating patterns at different scales of size-like fractals.
Metaeuristicas and genetic logarithms to produce fractal geometry.
A fractal is a semi-geometric object whose basic structure, fragmented, or irregular, is repeated at different scales. The term was proposed by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot
in 1975
A fractal is a geometric object attribute the following characteristics is too irregular to be described in traditional geometric terms.
management programs fractal Vision of Chaos.
(exact, approximate or statistically). spheres, cubes, Euclidean objects have almost fractal dimension. An object according to its size is more or less fractal. Fractals coincide with natural elements, odd shapes, or geometric anomalies.
Fractal: Auto repeat . The same or similar to the whole. Autorepetitivos forms,
Applicable in relation to social function and social hierarchies, relationships and behaviors. Normal Distribution, for example height, generates a Gauss curve.
distribution can be measured fractal, fractal measure of a sequential series as a piece of music.
Lewis Fry Richardson
The mountains are not cones, clouds
but deterministic function of the scale.
Fractal Analysis Dynamic
areas as patterns. Analysis
growths.multifractal structures, abstract art
Fractals of styles, periods, times, series.
Referring Fractal Cities. Miltos Manetas-
Neen Art Jackson Pollock
Iterated Function Systems
Ø is a finite set of contractive functions into a complete metric space X
Types iterative function fractal systems
repeated comparison
art art
Fracntisek Kupka
modern fractalAfrican fractal patterns in urban settings.
Von Neuman (machine to produce another more complex)
strange attractor chaotic behavior
complex objects have unpredictable behavior.
Azar. There is a natural dynamic situation that can be maintained.
A fixed-point tractor
intrined repeat as a cycle. Attractor
newspaper: two notes do I do I say predictable behavior.
plasma simulations and systems L.
discover geometric art, and organizational structures of figurative art.Authors: Ron Eglash, Paulos Gerdes, Parothy, washburn.
pattern recognition algorithm.
irregular behavior arises from the nonlinearity. So is defined as deterministic.
logistics, change is not linear. Used to determine if states and growth. Chaos
: If two systems have slightly different values. Chaos
unpredictable behavior.
A tractor
Two weather.
Although you know the rules of running a system I can not predict the long term because the logistics do not work under
Independence scale, there is no reference of who has who, self-similar.
White Noise random sequence of values, modes of chance.
algorithm that realizes a dynamic system.
2d Correlate color image data set representing changes over time. Music File
To clarify the impact of each parameter or variable that intervenes in a sequence.
population behavior.
representation techniques highlighting distance correlations in a series. Images
to infer rate and irregularities.
White Noise
Logistic Equation
Journal-Changes: Brownian motion.
Examples periodicity patterns in large-scale cultural events. Identifications
regularities asymmetric diagrams with the data.
complex adaptive systems
open systems can be
. The fundamental difference between them lies in how its elements relate to each other and their environment and the resultant systemic behavior. A simple example system is the installation of heating our homes. In this system, the room temperature by the thermostat triggers a series of routine events that lead to predictable behavior. Instead of complex systems are characterized by the richness and variability of the relations of their elements other and their environment and consequently their behavior unpredictable.
automated agents based models
serves to explain patterns of behavior, social behavior Explain
-Cellular automata
emerging complexity: from simple rules emergence of a separate computer for this, a complex system.
No more complex if you add random.
If a model is so simple is unmanageable. Conceptually
will be kept of thinking about society in terms of common sense.
Conceptualization of individual agency and wholes.
agent-based models
used to analyze cultures disappeared. Inferring
behaviors and complex trends. Data from

encoding behavior of individuals, to derive collective patterns. Simple rules
schooling fish such as
agents, behaviors and relationships in the drug chart. Models of innovation
models of behavior.
Relations and networks among parties, graph theory. Networks
random phenomena depending on the characteristics of networks and to infer actions, properties of networks.
example a person who is related to another is nothing but weak connectivity if there are more people there are related to increased connectivity, it is useful to know the characteristics of threshold connectivity to propose, implement or infer certain things etc
Theory of 6 degrees of separation between one person and another with links and thanks to friends of friends around the world are known in the world.
Important to get a job, you have to get out of the social core of the plane that are, in order to establish links with other people you only have occasional contact.
scale independent scenarios
This link is called selective effect that the rich get richer and the poor poorer.