Classroom Planning: Planning
classroom work is find the best way to organize the "step" to achieve the expected learning times that are indicated.
planning classroom requires that teachers know and manage the programs of study to choose the most appropriate sequence of activities for all students to progress in their learning. Classroom planning requires using as many elements to guide the work of teachers, with good learning activities.
planning classroom is an excellent tool that helps avoid unnecessary improvisation and is a good reference for curriculum monitoring by the institution.
organization step by step, involves the distribution of activities during class, which in turn is divided into different times.
This class structure is very important and must be present in all planning, because they ensure the achievement of learning goals, according to the time required in the curriculum. These times refer to three instances that interact among themselves.
The three moments of the class (class structure):
The beginning of the class:
This moment is characterized by the implementation of strategies designed by the teacher to students and students are able to: Ø
Remember, resume and provide feedback prior learning. Ø
know what the aims of the class (target class). Ø
stimulate interest and involvement by the new content address.
or express their ideas, feelings, experiences and knowledge on the subject, so that they can establish links with new learning. Ø Play
instructions and what is expected of them.
The development of the class:
This moment is characterized by active student participation in the development of activities designed by the teacher and others that may emerge, whose main purpose is to achieve the expected learning planned for that class. These activities according to their nature are carried out by the students individually, in pairs, in small groups or whole class level.
completion or closure of the class:
This moment is characterized as an instance that children recognize as closed, and in which they are invited to make a living as metacognition in class, that is, to become aware of their progress, their new learning and can draw conclusions. Is this the moment when the teacher summarizes the content, opening up new challenges or tasks to perform and it is also the time when the teacher uses to assess the achievement of the objective of the class.
curricular planning
curriculum planning is to be understood as a process through which decisions are made regarding what, why, how, when, where, how long is to teach the subject. Is the curriculum decision-making where it is also understood as how to evaluate, which corresponds to the question: To what extent are being achieved or achieved the objectives?. As can be inferred, planning is a practice that is deliberated on various options, considering the specific circumstances in which they take place.
curriculum components or items. Each teaching-learning situation or, put another way, with each state curriculum always present certain elements or components through which embodies the teaching and learning. These components are easily identifiable, using some questions.
These decisions are very important to achieve the objectives proposed by the professor teaching. This process results in the planned curriculum, which is expressed in a written document.
Nationally, this type of curriculum is manifested in what is called Basic Curriculum Framework
all school units must comply with when preparing their own plans and programs. The planned curriculum at the national level also corresponds to the plans and programs that I have developed to be developed in the educational units, at any level, who do not have their own plans and programs.
These components can be seen in the diagram below and will be developed later.
Emergent Curriculum.
is important to state that students learn not only through the planned curriculum, but also through what is called emergent curriculum. This. Emerge. spontaneously from the needs and interests of students, or contingency. It provides for the formation of student affective, and may be more effective than the planned curriculum.
curriculum elements:

Components that are planned:
* social climate
* Physical conditions of the place
* Emerging Content.
What teaching and learning?
are the selected contents, which may be conceptual, procedural and attitudinal.
What teaching and learning?
Objectives and expected learning, refer to learning that the student is expected to reach.
How to teach and how to learn?
teaching and learning strategies. Cover the activities of the teacher and students, the way you organize students (methodological techniques).
What to teach?
teaching resources, materials, notes, among others.
what physical conditions?
physical environment. It refers to aspects such as room size, condition and functionality of the tables, chairs, furniture, lighting, colors used on walls or furniture, heater.
socioaffective What atmosphere? Weather
education. It refers to the personal interactions that occur between the teacher and learners, girls and between the / as each other. This component is also called social climate.
How long and when?
Number of hours and when the process Lugar, intra-class space and / or extra-classroom
process assessment How to improve teaching and learning? Do you get the objectives and expected learning? Component.
Process and outcome evaluation
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